Dr. Jiye Han, Research Professor
From Pusan National University
NRF TEAM Growth Grant
NRF Creativity Grant
BK Post-doctoral Fellowship
PNU Best PhD Thesis Award (given to only one from school of engineering)
NRF PhD Scholarship Recipient
[Areas of Expertise: Biomaterials, Carbon-encapsulated Core-Shell Nanoparticles, Perovskite Optoelectronics]
E-Mail: hanyksw20 at naver.com
Dr. Si Hyeok Kim, Post-Doctoral Fellow
From Ajou University
BK Post-doctoral Fellowship
FNTG66 Best Poster Award
[Areas of Expertise: Chemical Sensors, Bio & Nano-Diamond Quantum Sensors, SAW Sensors]
E-Mail: nesque at skku.edu
Dr. Jang Woo Lee, Post-Doctoral Fellow
From Seoul National University
BK Post-doctoral Fellowship
NRF Creativity Grant
[Areas of Expertise: Next-Gen Semiconductors, Memory Devices, Perovskite Optoelectronics]
E-Mail: blakdiamond at naver.com
Prof. Changhee Lee, Adjunct Professor
From Kyoto University, Japan
[Areas of Expertise: Rechargeable Batteries]
Dr. Ying Tian, Post-Doctoral Fellow
From Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
BK Post-doctoral Fellowship
[Areas of Expertise: Self-healing and Fluorinated Polymer Synthesis, Organic Synthesis, Biomaterials]
E-Mail: 767944068 at qq.com
Dr. Ilya V. Novikov, Post-Doctoral Fellow
From Skoltech, Russia
NRF TEAM Growth Grant
BK Post-doctoral Fellowship
[Areas of Expertise: FCCVD Carbon Nanotube Growth]
E-Mail: Ilya.Novikov at
Dr. Soo Ho Choi, Research Professor
From Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
Sejong Post-doctoral Fellowship
SKKU Post-doctoral Fellowship
BK Post-doctoral Fellowship
[Areas of Expertise: 1D TMDC & 2D TMDC growth]
Dr. Jeong-Seok Nam, Post-Doctoral Fellow
From Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
BK Post-doctoral Fellowship
2024 GPVC Best Poster Award
Best PhD Thesis Award (given to only one from the Department)
SKKU President's List Award (given to only one from the School of Engineering)
심산Sholarship Recipient
SKKU Thesis Competition 장려상
BK21 FOUR Innovation Fellowship
BK21 FOUR PNU-Fellowship
Department of Chemistry Education Scholarship Recipient
SKKU Innovation Fellowship
[Areas of Expertise: Lead-free Perovskites, Organic Solar Cells, Organic Synthesis, FCCVD Carbon Nanotube Growth & Applications, Endohedral Fullerenes]
E-Mail: tgn545 at gmail.com
Jin Myung Choi, PhD Candidate
From Hanyang University
SKKU Thesis Competition 장려상
심산Scholarship Recipient
BK SKKU Innovative Research Fellowship
[Areas of Expertise: Polyimide-based Foldable Devices, Self-healing Polymers, Computational Calculations, Endohedral Fullerene-based Qubits/Quadits]
E-Mail: csj356093 at gmail.com
Ilhyun Lee, PhD Candidate
From Pusan National University
2023 GPVC Best Poster Award
심산Scholarship Recipient X 2
SKKU Thesis Competition 최우수상
SKKU Initiative Scholarship
[Areas of Expertise: 3D Nano-Printing, FCCVD Carbon Nanotube Growth & Applications, Perovskite Optoelectronics]
E-Mail: a200031107 at naver.com
Jonghyuck Yoon, PhD Candidate
From the University of Florida, USA
[Areas of Expertise: Graphene Synthesis, Carbon Nanotube Synthesis]
E-Mail: 008hand at gmail.com
Liang Cai, PhD Candidate
From Taiyuan University of Technology
SKKU Foreign Student Start-up Recipient
BK Student-in-Need Recipient
Full Tuition Exemption
[Areas of Expertise: Lead-free Perovskites, Perovskite Memristors & Solar Cells, Organic Synthesis]
E-Mail: cailiang1995 at naver.com
Mina Kim, PhD Candidate
From Sungkyunkwan University
[Areas of Expertise: Organic Synthesis, Battery, 3D Nano Printing]
Taehoon Kim, PhD-Masters Course Student
From Jeonbuk National University
Full Tuition Exemption
NRF Grant
[Areas of Expertise: Lead-free Perovskite, Perovskite Memristors, Solution-Processed Carbon Nanotubes, Battery]
E-Mail: 337xogns at naver.com
Kanghyeok Lee, PhD Candidate
From Hannam University
[Areas of Expertise: Organic Synthesis, Lead-free Perovskite, Perovskites Optoelectronics, Battery]
Eun Song Choi, PhD Candidate
From Ajou University
[Areas of Expertise: Chemical Sensors, 3D Nano Printing]
Fazeleh Feghhi , PhD Course Candidate
From Sharif University of Technology, Iran
G-GKS Fellowship
[Areas of Expertise: Chemical Sensors, Batteries, Graphene Quantum Dots]
E-Mail : at gmail.com
Yasir Shafi, PhD Course Candidate
From Skoltech, Russia
Editorial Assistant for International Journal of Chemical Kinetics (IJCK)
SKKU Foreign Student Start-up Recipient
[Areas of Expertise: FCCVD CNT synthesis, Perovskite Memristors]
Young Gyu Lee, Masters Course Student
From Ajou University
Research Abroad via GVIC (Japan for 6 months)
[Areas of Expertise: Batteries, Organic Synthesis, Machine Learning]
E-Mail: ykhk0506@naver.com
Jinsoo Choi, Masters Course Student
From Chungnam National University
Full Tuition Exemption
[Areas of Expertise: Batteries, Graphene Quantum Dots]
Artem Dudorov, Research Intern
From Skoltech, Russia
E-Mail :
Kyung Mok Mo, Technical Assistant
From LG Display
E-Mail : zeus102 at gmail.com